How to Define Keywords

Quick Mode

Just enter one or several keywords, select desired Themes and desired TLDs in TLD Window. Please be careful, don't enter too many keywords. For example, single keyword and Common Theme will result in more than 300 quality domains! Two keywords will give you more than 1600 domains!

Finding relevant keywords in Text Mode

To effectively create all desired domain names, it's vital to use relevant keywords.

The main rule here is to extract several main meanings from the desired domain name and put these meanings into keywords. That is, if you want to find a domain for your web car's shop, there will be three meanings: web, car, shop. Now extend every meaning with its synonyms. You will get these keywords:
online[a];cyber; i[s-m];e; web[a];world

Note that:
-online and cyber words will be used in any position in domain name ("a" order)
-i and e words will be used anywhere except the end of domain name ("s-m" order)
-web and world words will be used anywhere ("a" order)
-car and cars words are defined as mandatory and will be contained in any generated domain name

You can simply copy these keywords from this page and paste them to the Keywords Window. Now it's a time to generate domains from these keywords.

Generation of domains

The program uses unique method to generate domains; it ensures that ALL possible combinations will be created, and this makes the program a great brainstorming tool. TLDs selected in the TLDs Window will be used by adding themselves to the end of every created domain name.

Let's assume you selected only COM TLD. With the keywords mentioned above, here are some generated domain names:
and so on...

See Also:
Keywords Window